Why should you increase investment in mobile technology?

Why should you increase investment in mobile technology?

Mobile technology has been connecting and empowering people everywhere and gained even more relevance in the current pandemic scenario. As with electricity or television, it is now almost impossible to imagine life without the benefits it has brought to all of us.

Numbers do not lie. According to Future Mind, almost 80% of the world population already owns a smartphone.  In another study by BusinessMobiles, we can see that 85% of SMBs regularly use smartphones to improve productivity in business-related tasks.

Tech and mobile trends to keep an eye on in 2021

A new year has arrived and with it the opportunity to do more and better. There are some important trends that companies and managers must keep an eye on:

Cloud-based Mobile Apps – yes, a trend for many years!

Mobile applications are more sophisticated, easier to deploy and faster to access than ever. Industry experts believe that solutions like Google Drive, Slack, Dropbox, and Amazon Cloud Player will be, again, a hit in 2021. These apps are already popular within mobile- and cloud-first companies. In 2021 we can expect more cloud-based apps, with lower development costs, higher performance and better user experience.

The rise of Edge Computing

Edge Computing is an evolution of the cloud. Cloud computing is now moving to each device, which becomes part of the cloud. Edge Computing has many forms like a smartphone or a wearable health monitor. According to Gartner around 10% of enterprise-generated data is created and processed outside a traditional centralized data center or cloud. By 2025 this figure will reach 75%.

2021 – the year of 5G Wireless Technology to kick-off

Are you ready? Data from Statistica revelas that by 2024 the number of 5G subscriptions will rise to 1,9 billion worldwide. This growth in high-speed wireless adds huge opportunities to mobile technology products and services. Never forgetting the responsibility of security and privacy.

A Better Customer Experience? Yes, with Predictive Analytics

Did you know that there are 4.3 million apps (Android / IOS), but only 0,01 % of them will be successful (Statistica)? Predictive Analytics can surely help to improve these numbers. Using analytics like machine learning, data mining and statistics, companies will be able to deliver more tailored solutions, in order to enhance customer experience.

Low-Code App Development

Low-Code app development will continue to be a great option for many reasons, as you can read here and here. Mainly because it eliminates a large amount of manual and complex code and enables to deploy digital and customized web and mobile products in record time.

Process Automation and Optimization anytime, anywhere

Spending countless hours performing repetitive, time-consuming or bureaucratic tasks is no longer an option. Process automation and optimization increases productivity, brings agility to the whole company and reduces costs. Mobile technology enables all of it anytime, anywhere, and the focus on more strategic tasks. It also allows organizations to get better collaboration with employees, partners, and customers. Eliminating distances and allowing real-time access to all the tools needed to successfully operate and make smart decisions.

Blue Screen has been helping inumerous companies in the development of advanced, secure and customized mobile apps:

  • Productivity tools enabling an effective digital transformation with innovative projects.
  • Control over what kind of mobile applications employees use to access their data, avoiding unnecessary security risks.
  • Internal and external needs alignment with business processes.
  • State-of-the-art technology to create highly professional enterprise apps.
  • Highly mobile apps, using both personal and company-issued smartphones and tablets to access corporate data and get work done anywhere, anytime.
  • Full data and backend integration allows even the most difficult app concepts to be achieved within time and budget.

If your business needs help with Enterprise and Mobile Apps Development, count on Blue Screen!

Contact us and embrace mobile technology the best possible way.